Sabtu, 24 Mei 2014

Improving Your PC Speed: 4 Easy Tips For Windows 7 Step by Step

Note: To continue be sure to be logged as administrator, otherwise you probably will not be able to complete all the steps. These tips are basic, there are other procedures that may also achieve the objective, however i recommend these as a start.

Tip #1. Get some space!
Your computer can get crowded very easily with things that are not used or were supposed to be temporary. The tool here is called Disk Cleanup. To use this tool:
1. Click Start, then All Programs, click Accessories, click Systems Tools, and then click Disk Cleanup. Then specify the drive you want to clean and wait for the program to analyze the disk.

2. A dialog box will appear where you will be asked to select which files will be deleted in the Files to delete list, here you can chose to keep something or just get rid of everything. Check only those you want to delete and click OK.

3. You might be prompted to confirm the operation, if so click Yes. A few minutes later the process will complete and close the dialog box.

Tip #2. Check for errors.
Hard drives can develop bad sectors, these can slow down data writing or saving. To scan our disk for errors we use the Error Checking utility. To use this tool:
1. Click Start, then Computer.
2. Right-click the hard disk you want to scan, then select and click Properties.
3. In the dialog box, click the Tools tab, then click the Check Now button.
4. In the next dialog box, select the Scan for and attempt recovery of bad sectors option and click Start.
5. This will start the process; if any bad sectors are found choose to fix/recover/repair them.
6. When finished close any remaining windows.

Tip #3. Dispose of bugs and protect your computer.
Spyware, malware, adware, viruses and much other nasty software pose a threat to your confidentiality and can hinder your computer task speed and performance. There are tons of Malicious Software Removal Tools available, even if most of them are quite effective, you may want to consult technical forums to see the user reviews of them and I would recommend also see specialized sites which contains technical reviews of these programs so you can find the best one that suits your budget. Those programs have their own guide to help you.

Tip #4. Organize and Consolidate your Disk.
As a busy office, if the disk is well organized and all papers are in their proper place, everything runs smoother and faster. The tool to use here is Disk Defragmenter. (In some cases this task is already scheduled on a regular basis by default, here we assume is not)
1. Click Start, click All Programs, click Accessories, click System Tools, and finally click Disk Defragmenter.
2. In the dialog box click the drive you want to defragment, the click Analyze Disk.
3. After it finished a dialog appears recommending or not defragmentation based on the results obtained, to begin the task click Defragment Disk. You will be able to monitor the process in the Current Status Area, under the Progress column. After completing results are displayed.
4. To display a detailed report of the results click View Report, when finished then click Close to exit the dialog box.
5. To close the utility just click the Close button on the title bar.

I recommend doing this basic maintenance in a regular basis so your computer's performance keeps up to the task.

The 2 Easiest Ways to Make Your PC Run Like New

A slow computer is one of the most frustrating things in our modern day life.

Typically we purchase a new personal computer (PC) every few years and love how fast it starts, loads websites and runs the programs. Eventually we notice it slows down until we are practically yanking our hair out waiting for it to complete routine computer tasks.

Why does this happen you may ask? As it turns out the answer is relatively easy and you don't have to be especially technical to see the causes and understand the solutions.

The good news to reveal is it's not the hardware in the computer that causes the problem. Usually the hardware in your machine is in fine condition and just needs a little care to restore it to its former faster working self.

The main problem lies within an accumulation of invisible changes that happen to the software in the PC. The following are the two most common causes that create the slow down:

1. The most common problem: Registry errors in The PC:
Every time you (or the kids) download a program, play a game, or open a file, the software registry of your PC gets updated by new instructions necessary to operate that program. But, after that item is later removed, those instructions can invisibly remain inside your PC. If you run your computer, your machine attempts to execute these instructions again and again, but, because the older program can't now be found, it will now cause a registry error. Thus, your PC is doing a bunch of invisible working on old, partially deleted programs, way more work than it should be, which ties up your system needlessly which results in a much slower computer.

One of the fastest ways to fix this problem is with a cool little tool from a company based in California via their website: xxxxxxxxxx (see below). They named it ARO 2013 and it first scans, then identifies, and finally fixes registry errors on your machine-cleaning up file fragments and returning your computer to almost as fast as when you bought it. The software is quite easy to install and recently won an award by CNET's editorial staff for the 4.5 star rating (4 out of 5) and has now been downloaded over 30 million times.

You can obtain a working version of the software for free, which can scan your PC and find the various registry errors that bog it down and keep it running slow. The free version will scan for any junk pieces of leftover files and further checks the baseline security status of your PC. Their software is set up to only eliminate the first 50 errors with the free version. If it finds more errors than that which you want to clean up or if you want to set up the program to run itself on a regular basis you can then upgrade to the more complete version for only $29.95. Following that, there will be few, if any partial files left on your computer and you will notice how much faster your laptop works.

2. Spyware and viruses problem:
Viruses and Spyware are software programs that are secretly downloaded onto your computer without your permission or knowledge. Their nefarious various purposes include:
  • Switching a different default search engine in your browser
  • To track your surfing habits on the Web, then showing you targeted advertising
  • Illegally using your email program to blast out spam to email addresses
  • Stealing your personal identity information
Most viruses and spyware got into a computers via files we downloaded from the Internet or as an attachment to an email message. These malicious programs use up a lot of power in the computer and thereby slow your computer down that is very noticeable.

There is a basic rule of thumb that needs to be followed which is to never download any software programs that are free from companies you do not personally know or trust, particularly emoticons, screensavers and similar items. Further, when in your email account, you should never open the attachment to an email until you are 100 percent certain you know or trust the sender of the email message. Everyone should have an excellent anti-virus/spyware removal tool running all the time. Some of these programs are free and others for a small payment.

Your PC should work faster and safer by following the above advice.

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Best wishes,
Josh Holliday.

Speed Up Your PC by Cleaning Its Registry

If you're suffering from a slow running PC, you know how frustrating it can be. There are several possibilities as to why your computer isn't running to its fast potential. Often times, the cause of a slow PC is an overloaded or junk riddled registry.

Computers than run on Windows operating system have what is called a 'registry' which is essentially a database that contains files from almost everything that occurs on your computer - from websites you have visited to left over applications. A lot of these files are completely unnecessary to have on your registry, and an overload of these files will make your computer sluggish. When your registry is clogged with too many entries, your computer has to process more information, which slows down processing speed, thus leading to slow performance, and even freezing of your computer.

This common issue can be cured by removing the junk files from your registry. If you have a good antivirus program installed, run it and it should tell you if you have any malicious files. If you do have malicious files, you should go into your Control Panel and uninstall them. Sometimes removing just the malicious ones doesn't speed up your PC to it's full potential. To optimize your computer, you should get a registry scan that will tell you what files are unnecessary and should be deleted. It catches things that an antivirus wont, such as left over software applications from an uninstalled program. Registry software also points out any errors that are causing your computer to take longer to process. This is a common theme among a clogged up registry, and it's essentially to delete these speed-killing errors.

You can get a free registry scan from most registry software companies, which will tell you how your registry health stands. The reputable registry cleaners tell you what caches and applications should be deleted. Some advanced programs also include features that let you prevent problems that can arise from a clogged registry, such as automatic scan scheduler so you can clean your registry regularly.

The last step is to run a reliable registry cleaning software that will identify all files that can be removed to optimize your PC's speed. Make sure whatever software you choose has a backup option to ensure your files are backed up incase anything goes wrong during the cleaning. You should go with a top rated software that has a customer support option, and is easy to use.

Click here to see reviews on top rated registry cleaners.

Tips to Compare Registry Fix Software

You will want to compare registry fix software against each other to select the one covering the most problems, with the most features, buyer testimonials, good customer service, and a 30 day trial period with a full money back guarantee.

How to Compare Registry Fix Software
Checking the landing page of the product will tell you all the problem areas. There will be a list of all the problems that could affect your computer this particular product covers. The list will be quite extensive. The product checks your registry to see if any of those problem areas have corrupted your computer. It then identifies the corrupted entries, removes them, fixes them, and optimizes the system.

Features and benefits of the product are covered
To compare registry fix software it would be a good idea to make a list to know what problems they cover. It gives you a starting point to compare registry fix software. There are a lot of choices and selecting a good registry cleaner that is effective is important. A full money back guarantee is a big feature to have. The Vendor wouldn't do this unless they knew their product was something special.

Other Features and Benefits
Settings should allow automatic updates as well as being able to run automatically on a regular basis. Problems should be fixed automatically by the software. Easy download with good instructions for installing the software on your computer should also be included.

More Things to Consider
Checking out product reviews would be helpful. Learn what the experts are saying. Are the experts telling you that this product really does perform as was stated? Does this product have a good reputation?

Customer Service
Customer service is important if you run into a question or need technical support. What kind of support do you get as a result of using this product? If you need technical support, is that provided? If so, is it covered by the product or is there a fee? If it's included that's a plus.

Customer Testimonials
Check out the customer testimonials to find out what customers thought of the product after they used it. Did it fix all the problems on their computers? Are they happy with the product? Would they use it again? Is their computer performing at maximum speed?

Summary on Why You Want To Compare Registry Software
The most important benefit in comparing registry software (for the customer) is will it do everything it promises it will do. Will it do it quick? Will it solve all the problems listed on the landing page? Will it bring my computer back to working like new? Does it have a money back guarantee? (They wouldn't offer this if their product didn't perform). This product needs to be installed and run on a regular basis to keep your registry fine-tuned! Installing security products on your computer will save you time, money, a virus free computer, and a lot of problems! It just makes sense! One security product doesn't cover everything.

A Word to the Wise
Always have a full backup of your computer and programs!
Larry Hoezee
Easily download, scan, and fix registry problems within minutes. Remove adware, spyware, and malware. It's simple, anybody can do it. You have 30 days or less to try the software with a full money back guarantee!

Do you want to fix your computers corrupted registry problems? Click on the blue link above to go to the homepage and select the appropriate software to download for a free scan. Do it now!
To fix a computer extremely slow, go to

Article Source:

How Does The Eusing Free Registry Cleaner Compare With Other Registry Cleaners?

If you are looking to find a lean, mean, cleaning machine for your PC's registry that is also a free utility, you won't have to look far if you've already come across Eusing Software's free registry cleaner. At first glance at its spare user interface graphics, one might think: "This application can't possibly be effective." And judging from its under four megabyte program size (the current 3.3.1 version weighs in at only 3.11 MB), you might think that it doesn't have enough power to find jack!

But once you put this baby through its paces (which takes only a single mouse click to start the scan) you will discover that this utility means business! Spare though it may seem, it does more than comparable utilities that are more than twice its size, and it does it an a thorough manner. We put it to the test against another leading free registry software, Piriform's CCleaner, running back-to-back scans, and it completed its scan in just under five minutes, picking up errors that CCleaner missed!

There's really not much to say about this registry cleaner because that is all that it does: it finds and identifies outdated, empty registry keys so you can clear them off your system's registry. There are few other bells and whistles to go along with this software; it has a full registry backup capability, a start-up manager, and for added convenience a button that triggers the built-in Windows backup utility wizard. Though it barely weighs three megabytes soaking wet! And yet it works like a champ at finding as many errors in the registry as many commercial utilities.

This Little Dog utility's maker is a producer of freeware applications. They exist on donations to be able to improve and upgrade its capabilities. If you're feeling thankful to have it, and you have a spare dollar around, you might want to consider making a donation to their cause and registering it in the same act.. However, there is no obligation to download and use it.

To be totally honest about this under-weighted software, we've been using it for several months now (along side CCleaner as well as other more expensive commercial applications) and it has us amazed at its capabilities in comparison with everything we've run against it. It keeps up with the Big Dogs (like Registry Mechanic) in the registry cleaning arena, and seems to more than carry its own slight weight in face-to-face showdowns.

For example, we ran one of the leading registry repair utilities, let it find errors but did not fix them, just to see what Eusing might find by comparison. The Big Dog commercial utility picked up over 130 errors. Eusing picked up about 30. We let the free cleaner fix the 30 errors it found, then re-ran the Big Dog cleaner just to see what it might pick up afterwards. We were amazed when it came back having targeted only about half the errors it did the first time.

This seemed to suggest that the Little Dog fixes took care of many of the errors that the Big Dog found the first time around. And that's not the only time this has occurred. Now, I don't know about you, but to me that suggests power! And in a small package, no less.

Our final opinion about this freeware registry fixer is that if you don't want to spend anything on purchasing a utility to unclog your registry, that this program will probably do a comparable job to any commercial cleaner on the market, and is well worth having. Even though its focus is pretty much solely on cleaning the registry, that is why you're looking at it in the first place, isn't it?

For another example of a free version of registry software, check out this additional article where you'll be given instructions about how to obtain the Lite version of a commercial product How Reliable Is CCleaner.

Don't wish to take the time to download trial samples of registry cleaners in order to evaluate them for yourself? Go to RegistryRepairToolReviews.Net where you'll find straightforward and honest product reviews and links to free scans from five of the best registry fix utilities currently on the market.

Article Source:

How Does The Free CCleaner Compare With Other Registry Cleaners?

CCleaner, a registry repair tool that comes in both a free and a paid version, created by the Piriform company, is known for being a blazingly fast registry cleaner. In fact, we've timed it on our 3 Ghz 32-bit Pentium 4 computer, and it finished a registry scan in just under 15 seconds. It only picked up one error. Our first question was: How thorough a scan was that?

Other registry cleaners that we've run on our computer have taken anywhere from a minute or more (many in the two to four minute range) to more than six or eight minutes, and in some cases up to 14 minutes. Our natural curiosity wonders how a scan that only lasts for 15 seconds can possibly be as thorough as a two or four or six minute scan.

Obviously, CCleaner doesn't scan as many files as these other cleaners. How can it in fifteen seconds? And our results have born out these findings. Other cleaners, like RegCure, have ended up picking up more errors and empty entries in their scans than CCleaner. RegCure picked up eighty-six errors on the same machine in which CCleaner only picked up one. But then that's attributable to the variation in the search algorithm used. Each utility has its own definition of parameters for choosing what it ranks as an error in the registry. Some, choose to error on the side of caution, and therefore pick up fewer errors.

While we like the free version of CCleaner, we just can't get over the fact that it only picks up a fraction of the errors that other utilities pick up. And it does this on a regular basis. What counts, though, is the fact that your registry hasn't been damaged by the cleaning, and you're still able to use it without having to restore the backup of the old registry. In other words, it doesn't disable the use of the computer.

One of CCleaner's main selling features is that it can do more than just clean the registry. It comes with a system cleaning function (to clean up old and unused system files and logs), a Tools function (with tools to uninstall programs, manage your system's start-up menu, find a missing file, restore the system to an earlier date, and a drive wiper), and an Options tab (that allows you to manage cookies, an include/exclude function for files to be cleaned), and an Advanced settings tab (which, among other things, allows you to restore the default settings as well as nine other items).

While we cannot give CCleaner a one-hundred percent recommendation with regard to its registry cleaning ability, we can say that it may be a useful program to have with regard to its other capabilities if you don't already use another program that will easily access these other maintenance options.

In the final analysis, all we can say is that CCleaner may be a program you might want to consider having around as an additional registry repair tool. It's main attractiveness, for us and perhaps you also, comes in the added feature functions it can perform. However, we don't consider it to be powerful enough to be a frontline tool for keeping your registry unclogged. Use it as a backup or an adjunct, but not as your main registry utility.

For another example of a free version of registry software, check out this additional article where you'll be given instructions about how to obtain the Lite version of a commercial product How Reliable Is Eusing.

Don't wish to take the time to download trial samples of registry cleaners in order to evaluate them for yourself? Go to RegistryRepairToolReviews.Net where you'll find straightforward and honest product reviews and links to free scans from five of the best registry fix utilities currently on the market.

Rely on a Free Registry Cleaner with All the Powerful Features for Your PC

If you are among those countless individuals still looking for a free registry cleaner to boost your computer performance and ensure a prolonged lifetime of your whole database, then a straightforward online search and browse through websites will certainly bring out more possibilities of finding the most excellent one.

As you are targeting a registry cleaner free of cost, you need to take into consideration that not all free programs are superb options and not all are really effective. If you would like to know some of the features that will constitute superior registry repair software, then following are certain features to consider:

From technical point of view, your tool requires to have an easy to understand interface guidelines. A large number of PC users are not geeks and computer wizards; they are simply common people desiring to possess super fast processing system to fulfill their different requirements. Hence, the need of an understandable instruction is one of the most vital things to look at.

As free registry cleaner is complimentary, it is unnecessary to state that any types of payment are not acceptable. All those individuals who regularly purchase software programs might crave to switch to such free software because this can be effortlessly discovered and downloaded over the internet without additional endeavor of buying one.

One more tremendous benefit of a registry cleaner free of charge is its performance which is on par with that of the paid cleaners. Even if payments are largely retained and handled by computer experts, the free cleaning programs can still significantly coincide in terms of functioning with the paid ones. In the end, it all depends on you whether you opt for a free or a paid tool.

Considering things carefully, it would still be a realistic option to choose a registry cleaner free of cost. Such registry cleaners generally consist of simple user interface and can be carried on and implemented even by those individuals with fundamental knowledge of computer workings. Once you come into the possession of this software, you can make use of it as a lifelong associate in scanning your Windows registries. Performing the scanning and cleaning up the useless files on a regular basis will assist you in mitigating other risks your computer might go through if not paid appropriate and instant attention.

Users who have not opted for cleanup and usually overlook warning signals pointing system malfunction will have to face the consequences of a sluggish PC. If this problem continues for long time period and you never take further measures in repairing system troubles, then more and more errors and malfunctions in your system will be expected to exist. Looking for a free registry cleaner is certainly the most excellent means to repair all your registry issues. Nowadays, such free tools also enhance internet connections and recover the deleted files, in addition to offering the best-quality cleaning mechanism.

Tips to Fix PC Registry Problems

Spending a lot of time on your computer means your computer must be very valuable to you. That's why you will want to fix PC registry problems with a registry cleaner.

Taking a chance on making a mistake in the registry is a real gamble. It doesn't take much to throw everything off and have a computer that no longer works. When you use your computer for work, you will want to play it safe so you can keep it running at maximum performance. The only other option would be to reformat the hard drive, or have a technical person solve these issues for you.

Follow These Strict Guidelines To Fix PC Registry Problems

Either use a professional or registry cleaner software.
It's always fun to learn something new, but this isn't one of them unless your going to be trained in the art to fix PC registry problems.

If you spend a lot of time on the computer, making sure it runs at peak performance, will ensure you experience many hours of enjoyable surfing. Fixing computer registry problems is simply done quicker, better, and more efficient by using a registry cleaner.

Knowing what to do when you have registry problems is half the battle. There are many different kinds of registry problems that could affect your computer. Figuring out what sort of problem you are dealing with would be step one.

The Process
To fix PC registry problems, you are going to have to learn the function of your registry. Basically, this is what holds all of the information on your computer together.

This includes updates, installs, uninstalls, programs, device drivers, and documents. It is the most important part of your computer system! The registry is the brain of the computer. It controls everything! Sometimes the registry gets overloaded and you will need to clean and optimize it. One of the programs that is free and built into your computer system is to go to start, accessories, select system tools, and run disk cleanup and disk defragmenter. These are two excellent programs you can run that will help speed up your computer. If your registry is corrupted, a good registry cleaner, will eliminate all errors and problems in the computer. This will have a dramatic affect on the performance by replacing the corrupted files with good clean files. This in turn will allow the organization of all your computer programs.

Best Way To Fix The PC Registry
It is a good idea to learn what the registry is and how it functions in order to fix PC registry problems. Remember, if you are having computer problems, the best and quickest way to solve all your registry problems would be to invest in an effective registry cleaner. A registry cleaner will scan, identify errors, remove them, fix and optimize your computer in about 3 minutes. Using a registry cleaner will guarantee it will be done right the first time! You can stop worrying about causing more damage to you computer system! Isn't it worth your peace of mind to have your computer running at optimum speed instead of having to worry about a corrupted registry? Fix PC Registry Problems now and give your brain a rest.

A Word to the Wise
Always have a full backup of your computer and programs! It only takes a minute to backup your computer and it's a good investment of your time.

Larry Hoezee
Easily download, scan, and fix registry problems within minutes. It's easy! Remove adware, spyware, and malware. It's simple, anybody can do it. You have 15-60 days to try our software with a full money back guarantee!
Do you want to fix your computers corrupted registry problems? Click on the blue link above to go to the homepage and select the appropriate software to download for a free scan. Do it now!
Read a new post on fix registry errors, go to

How to Find the Best Registry Cleaning Software Online

Sometimes the registry becomes corrupt or compromised. When this happens programs don't function as intended. The whole system slows down, pop-ups occur, your emails are hard to bring up and the computer is running extremely slow or unresponsive. Productivity comes to a screeching halt and you're frustrated because of being subjected to this annoying problem. You have several options to choose from. Either have a technical person fix it, reformat the hard-drive yourself, or it may be time to check out fix registry review software registry cleaner before the whole system crashes.

Lost Productivity vs. Fix Registry Review Software
When your computer registry fails, your productivity takes a sharp down word turn. Life takes on a whole new dimension. Your registry problems are a nightmare, and you are beginning to have a very bad day. You wanted to accomplish so much today and all you seem to have is problems. Even trying to fix the registry on your own - presuming you have the training - can be a daunting task. Trying to determine what and where the problem is can be a real headache to the untrained.

Economic Cost vs. Fix Registry Review Software
Now let's consider the economic cost to fix the registry. This could be time lost in productivity. Bringing your computer to a "techie" and waiting hours or days to get it back may not be the best solution to the problem. The cost to bring your computer to a "techie" will be expensive.

Fix Registry Review Software Is Digital
Digital software can be downloaded in seconds. You don't have to use your precious time to go purchase it from the store. It takes up very little space on the hard drive. It uses very little CPU/RAM. Most computers should be able to run it. Outside of replacing any hardware - which would be a different problem - this software should solve your computer problems immediately. No need to format the hard drive, re-install your Windows Operating System, all your computer programs, or waste a whole day working on this. You can download the software immediately for a free scan.

Now Lets Analyze Our Choices
First, to have a technical person fix the registry, I will either have to bring my PC to their business or they would need to come to my business. This is going to be time consuming and costly. Second, if I reformat the hard-drive, it will probably take 4-6 hours or more to accomplish this. I will save a lot of money but it will also be very time consuming. This will affect my downtime on the work I'm trying to accomplish. Third, I can check out the fix registry review software registry cleaner to find the best registry cleaning software online. All I have to do is download the software and run it. It will automatically backup the computer programs, fix the registry in a matter of minutes, and I can get back to work. Fix registry review software will scan my computer, remove the registry problems, fix, optimize, and bring the system back to life - in minutes! Thanks to computer programmers and developers who build software programs, fix registry review software registry cleaner will make a huge difference. Also, with this software, I can continue to keep my registry running at peak performance so I won't have to go through this problem again. Protecting your computer is just plain smart business. The cost is minimal. The time factor is huge!

a Word to the Wise
Always have a full current backup of your computers programs! It only takes a minute to back up the hard drive which is time well invested!
Larry Hoezee Easily download, scan, and fix registry problems, viruses, driver devices, malware, secure online protection, spyware, and secure backup within minutes. Removing adware, spyware, and malware is simple. Anybody can do it with the right tools. Antivirus Removal Tool has all the right tools. Read a new post on (how do I get rid of adware), go to

How To Scan and Fix Registry with Registry Cleaner?

Whenever you use your PC, it either reads or inserts entry onto a particular spot in its system. Overtime, this process can accumulate and cause some problems which are hard to ignore. It's because of this why you regularly have to scan and fix registry of your PC using related cleaner software. Continue reading to learn more about this. I will also be discussing a top quality registry cleaner software that speed up my PC quickly.

The computer has to remember a lot of things - hardware attached, selected system options, applications around, etc. Each time you use it, it has to go through all of these entries. However, there may also be invalid, missing or double entries. Such can be caused by anything from removing a hardware previously attached, to deleting a file or program.

When such happens, you will notice that the PC will begin to work a lot slower than before. Although it goes through all these entries in a very fast manner, still it may take some time if there's too much to read. Eventually, you will also notice certain programs will refuse to run, and system crashes will surface more frequently.

Of course you can always take your computer to an expert to have all unnecessary entries removed. However, it may come with a steep price tag. What's more, it's supposed to be done periodically to keep your computer in tip-top shape. Doing it on your own is definitely not recommendable, as you can even cause some irreversible damages.

What you can do is to install and run registry cleaner software. This will automatically examine each of the entries made from day one. It removes safely and effectively those which are already invalid, missing or were recorded twice. This is a much safer way for you to do so, instead of attempting to manually remove entries which can cause the PC problems.

You may scan and fix registry using free software you may find online. In downloading them, carefully read the system requirements so you're installing something that will work best for your computer. Also, see to it you get one from a reputable website. There are also those which you may purchase, often with other useful tools. I personally managed to clean up my computer by downloading high quality registry cleaner software.

by: Austin Porter